Children In The Tower

By Yvonne Hall, from Charminster, Dorset.


Whatever's all the fuss about?

Children in the tower?

Whatever next I ask myself -

They should have seen my shower!

When I was head of Damers First

We had 400 strong.

We never let them bother us -

Well, not for very long!

There are ways to deal with children,

Just hark to what I say,

And all the troubles that you have

Will soon be whisked away!

You could hoist one on the spider'

Hang one on a peg,

Stick young Billy in the font -

Use the table leg.

Bung one on the window ledge

High up in the wall,

And threaten him with death

If he shoulld wriggle there - or fall!

Strap one in a high chair,

Give him the tower keys;

Pop one in the waste bin

Upside - down - to tease,

Kate can have her youngster

Slung across her back,

While rope, and gag, and clapper

Will take care of little Jack!

Doug has his pet theory -

Spoil the child, and spare the rod

Well, Bill can use his foot

To curb that little bod.

Tom and Sal lcan manage Ben

Just jam him in between -

With hand on mouth and foot on foot,

You'll never hear him scream.

And as for little Mary,

Just hang her from the rail,

With Sally for a cradle

And a dog that wags it's tail.

Whatever's all the fuss about?

When all is said and done

If you use your initiative

Children can be fun!!!!