When Go is Called.....Anon

When GO is called we don't depart
At STAND it's time to sit
Our HUNT does not involve a fox
By BLOWS no one is hit

ROYAL for us involves no Kings
Though QUEENS may there be found
No one is tempted to revolve
When comes the call GO ROUND+

When STRIKING we are hard at work
The BALANCE you have to feel
Five COURSES do not make a feast

A SINGLE ringer may be spliced
A SPLICED one still unwed
And when we shout to someone BOB
It may be Jo or Fred

When LEADING WRONG we may be right
When IN we're not at HOME
DELIGHT may bring us all to grief
SURPRISE may well be known

So if you watch us at our task
And hear the words we call
There's only one you'll know and love
The merciful THAT'S ALL!